74% planning to holiday closer to home

74% planning to holiday closer to home

Almost three-quarters of people on the island of Ireland (74%) plan to holiday closer to home this year, it has been revealed.

Soaring summer temperatures across mainland Europe, allied to climate concerns, are putting the brakes on overseas trips for some holidaymakers, a survey commissioned by Hastings Hotels has shown.

The survey of 1,731 respondents from Northern Ireland and the Republic reveals that regular, 40C+ temperatures across many parts of Europe have impacted overseas holiday plans, making 27% more reluctant to travel to hotter destinations.

However, the unpredictable Northern Irish climate is a deciding factor for 6 in 10 respondents when considering vacations abroad versus breaks at home, while the remainder are undeterred by Ireland’s changeable weather.

Environmental considerations are also increasingly shaping holiday decisions, reflecting a growing awareness and concern for climate change among holidaymakers with 21% of respondents avoiding air travel due to its environmental impact and 41% taking a provider’s sustainability policy into account when choosing accommodation.

Meanwhile, opinions on the value for money offered by holidays in Northern Ireland are mixed, with half of respondents believing a staycation provides good value and almost one in four disagreeing.

Not surprisingly, financial considerations influence spending patterns, with 37% of participants forced to spend more on their holidays compared to last year, due to rising costs.

A total of 11% intend to cut back on spending due to budget constraints and an additional 18% are willing to spend more out of choice, happy to splurge for a more enhanced experience.

“We’re encouraged  to see that so many holidaymakers opting for staycations this year,” said James McGinn, Managing Director of Hastings Hotels. “We offer a portfolio of six hotels across the province, all conveniently located to some of Northern Ireland’s biggest and most popular attractions and landmarks, allowing guests to explore and make the most of a holiday closer to home this summer.

“At Hastings Hotels we are committed to sustainability with rigorous policies in place across each of the hotels to minimise our carbon footprint, while still providing exceptional service to each individual guest.”