Republic’s visitor spend in NI tripled by Covid lockdowns

Republic’s visitor spend in NI tripled by Covid lockdowns

Visitors from the Republic spent three times more in Northern Ireland’s bars last summer than they did in 2019, it has been revealed.

Tourism NI found less stringent hospitality restrictions here had boosted cardholder spend, with total tourism spend by southerners up 151% from June to September and spending in hotel bars up 152%.

A spokeswoman said that data was “possibly supporting media reports during the summer months that indicated large numbers of Republic of Ireland visitors were crossing the border specifically to access NI hospitality at a time when the sector was more restricted in RoI.”

Indoor service in bars and restaurants in the Republic only resumed on July 5 but was was available in Northern Ireland from May 24.

A statement said: “Tourism NI analysis of online reviews for NI hotels for the period May 24 to October 31 indicates the number of reviews from ROI residents was substantially higher than in the same period in 2019.”

The figures emerged as Tourism NI chief John McGrillen expressed disappointment that a £2m holiday at home scheme designed to boost the sector would not be going ahead.

Speaking to the Belfast Telegraph, he said: “We put a huge amount of effort in to seek to make that (the scheme) happen but we couldn’t for whatever reason convince the Executive that it was something we should do. But as an alternative, the Minister (Gordon Lyons) has given us additional money (£1.5 million) for marketing both at home and in the Republic of Ireland.

“Again, we’re going to have to be very flexible in next few weeks as we cannot be seen to be spending money on marketing if things are not open.

“We’ll take decisions on a week by week basis… however, depending on how the next 12 weeks could pan out, we could potentially put that £1.5m to very good use.”