LCN Awards Support The Mary Peters Trust

LCN Awards Support The Mary Peters Trust

The Mary Peters Trust is the official charity partner of this year’s LCN Awards. Just like we aim to reward excellence within the hospitality sector in Northern Ireland, this longstanding charity has been helping the country’s young people achieve excellence in sport.

In September 1972, after years of hard work, sacrifice and dedication, Lady Mary Peters won the gold medal for the pentathlon at the Munich Olympics. Her skill as an athlete could not be disputed, yet this was to mark only the beginning of her story.

Born in Halewood, England, in 1939. At the age of eleven, Mary moved to Northern Ireland, and it was here that she discovered an aptitude for sports and where she has become a beloved figure, spending decades promoting and encouraging the country’s young sportspeople. 

From establishing its first high standard synthetic athletic track, to founding the Mary Peters Sports Trust, Mary has been a stalwart ambassador for sport and for Northern Ireland itself, and has received several royal honours over the years in recognition of her services to sport and the community.

‘The Mary Peters Trust was established to create an on-going and meaningful commemoration of my Gold Medal win in the 1972 Munich Olympic Games. We are Northern Ireland’s; leading sporting charity. We help young people, both disabled and able-bodied, achieve their sporting dreams and ambitions,’ explains Mary.

‘We do this by selecting the best athletes, supporting them financially and providing access to a team of experts, who help and support their pathway to success. Since our inception more than 49 years ago, the Trust has made a staggering number of awards, making a difference to the lives of thousands of young athletes from across Northern Ireland sport,’ she adds.

Athletes including Commonwealth gold medallist, gymnast Rhys McClenaghan who has said: ‘I just want to thank Mary Peters for her endless pursuit of supporting young athletes to reach their full potential in their sport, and for supporting me throughout my whole career. She doesn’t just do it for me, she does it for hundreds of athletes across the country.’

‘I owe so much to Mary Peters. I was a beneficiary of one of her foundation’s grants, and for that, and for her continued support, I will always be grateful,’ adds Carl Frampton MBE.

‘While finances alone will never make a sports star, lack of financial support can make success harder to attain. The Mary Peters Trust not only empowers aspiring sports people, it is also the channel through which companies, organisations and individuals can do their bit and give talented young people a sporting chance. To achieve these goals we work in partnership with many commercial organisations and other charities including Sports Aid.’

Mary goes on to say, ‘We are delighted to be able to align with the LCN Awards, which rewards excellence within the hospitality industry here in Northern Ireland. I was vice chairman of Northern Ireland Tourist Board for seven years and look forward to meeting you on the night and reinforcing the work of The Mary Peters Trust with individuals and businesses who are achieving within their own sector and who, with their generous donations, can help young people in NI experience the joy and elation of success in the world of sport.’


For more information on The Mary Peters Trust click here


Featured image: Lady Mary Peters at the opening of the 50th Anniversary Exhibition of her Olympic medal win in the Ulster Museum in 2022