Aussie chef stars at new NI cinema-restaurant

Aussie chef stars at new NI cinema-restaurant

An Australian chef who brought the country’s  cuisine to the city of Armagh has landed a leading role at Northern Ireland’s first cinema-restaurant.

Dean Coppard, the founder of Uluru, is the new head chef at The Avenue, which opened at Belfast’s CastleCourt Shopping Centre in March.

The business is a new venture for all-island cinema company Omniplex Group. In an interview today, director Paul Anderson said the company shut down The Avenue’s kitchen after it couldn’t meet demand in its opening weeks.

The company then hired Mr Cpppard as a replacement head chef, recruiting him from a role at the Parson’s Nose in Hillsborough.

Mr Coppard moved to Armagh from Australia in 2005 after meeting his future wife, who’s from the city. He then established Uluru, naming it after the Aboriginal term for Ayers Rock. He sold the business to businessman Gavin Emerson around six years ago.

Mr Anderson said the new recruit had “brought a lot” to the team. New items including pizzas and small plates are to be added to the menu.